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Earth Day 2024: A closer look at Masdar City’s futuristic sustainable urban solutions

Exploring the project’s cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices

Situated within the capital of the UAE, Masdar City emerged as a response to the pressing global challenges of climate change and depleting resources. Functioning both as a city and as an ambitious initiative to foster a sustainable and technologically advanced urban environment, Masdar City stands as a testament to futuristic urban planning.

Since its inception, it has embodied the ethos of a living laboratory, where cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices harmonise to reimagine the future of urban living. From non-electrical air conditioning systems to vertical smart farms, amid Earth Day, we delve into three technological innovations that define the essence of Masdar City:

1. Autonomous mobility

A Personal Rapid Transit vehicle transports students between parking areas and the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi.

Host to the Smart and Autonomous Vehicle Industries cluster in Abu Dhabi, Masdar City is leading the charge in transforming smart and autonomous transportation across air, land, and sea.

As stated on their website, SAVI will inject about $24.5 billion to $32.7 billion into the UAE’s economy and create about 30,000 to 50,000 job opportunities.

Beyond its significant potential economic effect, Masdar City showcases futuristic sustainable mobility that aligns with its vision of an advanced urban environment. One notable example is Masdar City’s Personal Rapid Transit system, recognised as the world’s first on-demand, autonomous electric transportation system.

The PRT operates with zero carbon emissions and its entire network is emission-free. By eliminating the need for personal vehicles, the PRT achieves a net carbon effect of zero.

This article is from The National